


Present:                                                 Cllr. Saunby                                        Chairman

                                                                Cllr. Greenslade                                Vice-Chair

                                                                Cllr. Thorpe                                        Cllr. Sands

                                                                Cllr. Blackman                                    Cllr. Baker

                                                                Cllr. Fitchett                                       Cllr. George

                                                                Cllr. Ingham

                                                                Cllr. M. Brookes                                LCC

                                                                7 members of the public

                                                                Wendy Depear                                  Parish Clerk


146/18 Public Forum

The A16/A17 roundabout was raised, members assured the residents that the roundabout has been discussed at meetings held with Highways.  The Highway Portfolio holder and has been discussed in great lengths, further improvements are expected to be done at the same time as work will be done for the truck stop.

It was also reported that the Wigtoft Road drainage work is expected to be carried in 2020-2021 at the earliest.


147/18 Apologies for Absence and the reasons given

Apologies were received from Cllr. Cooper who is on BBC duties.


148/18 Receipt of declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests

Cllr. Blackman declared a non pecuniary interest in item 162/18.


149/18 Notes of the last meeting held on November 7th 2018 to be approved as the minutes

It was proposed by Cllr. George seconded by Cllr. Ingham that the minutes be signed as a true record with 2 amendments made.


150/18 Police matters

None were received.


151/18 Viewpoints on questions from members of the public.

The fencing at the builders site requires attention, as a piece was blown down in the recent winds the panel was restored to its position.

Action the Clerk to contact Planning at the Borough to confirm when work is expected to start.


152/18 Reports from the minutes of the previous meeting and report from the Clerk of issues arising since the last meeting.


153/18 Lincolnshire County Council Matters and Boston Borough – information from and for County and Borough Councillors.

Cllr. Brookes reported on the petition that had been received from Park Avenue (Sutterton PC has also received a copy), Cllr. Brookes read exstracts from Highways dept response, members asked if it was possible to be aware of the response.


154/18 Correspondence.

Becky Shinn @ BBC it is still not possible to order new bins.

Email regarding the Draft Heads of Terms.

Action the Clerk to seek advice

Royal British Legion - thank you for donation.

BBC - Hearing regarding the appeal regarding APP/Z/72505/W/18/3200162a meeting to be held on 29th Jan 2019

Rev Rosemary Goddard – regarding the Parish Councils attendance at the Remembrance services

Action the Clerk to arrange a meeting with Rev. Goddard

Sutterton Parochial Parish Council, asking the Parish Council for help with the costs involved in keeping the Church Clock wound.

Action to be an Agenda item at the January Meeting

Highways ref. No. 4114517 for repairing the railings on the roundabout.

Stuart Glenn report on repairs to the flag pole.

Tracey Banks @ BBC – has visited the road signs for Stanley Drive and Maidens Road, and is happy with the location of the sign, is contacting Royal Mail explaining the problem.

Mrs. J B Greenslade regarding parking near the school in Park Avenue.

South East Lincolnshire Local Plan – Further Main Modification Consultation – comments to be received 14th January 2019.

Playdale asking for further information regarding proposed playground equipment.

LCC – road closure in the vicinity of 36 Blows Lane for work by Anglian Water.


155/18 Highway Matters

Cllr. Blackman reported on the status of highway matters that have been reported.


156/18 Speed Detection Data

Cllr. Blackman has issued copies of the latest data.

The recent meeting was attended by people from Sutterton prepared to help with the Community Speed Watch, equipment will be required.

Action. The Clerk to contact LRSP to purchase the necessary equipment


157/18 Planning

B/18/0485 Prior Notification for a proposed open sided extension to existing potato store at Mill Farm, Wigtoft Road, Sutterton, Boston PE20 2EL

Sutterton Parish Council discussed the application and has no objections.



Accounts for payment as per sheet 8 of 12 dated November 2018

It was proposed by Cllr. Baker seconded by Cllr. Fitchett that the payments be made.

A short discussion on the precept took place.

Action the Precept to be agreed at the January meeting


159/18 Parish Matters.

Cllr. Fitchett on the Inspection Rota reported that the Zip wire is sagging again.

Action the Clerk to contact Mr. Glenn

Cllr. Ingham reported street light 23 in Park Avenue still not working.

Cllr. Baker reported the bulb in the Endeavour Way sign is flickering.

Action Cllr. Blackman to report

Cllr. Blackman asked if there were any updates on when the road sweeper would visit Sutterton.

The hedge at 27, Post Office Lane is overhanging.

Action the Clerk to contact the householders and ask them to cut the hedge.

Cllr. Saunby has been approached by Mr. Blackamore asking for permission to trim the holly in the Cemetery, Cllr’s decided not to agree.

Cllr. Saunby has also been approached by the Village Hall Committee asking for a donation towards the costs involved in the recent work.


160/18 Equal Opportunities Policy

The Clerk issued copies of the Policy for members to read and accept at the January meeting.


161/18 Matters for Inclusion in the January meeting.

A donation to the Village Hall for work done.

The Clock winder.

The Lease for the Village Hall.


162/18 To go into closed session to discuss the Amenity Grass Cutting.

The invoices issued by the contractor for the grass cutting were discussed it was agreed to issue payment to the contractors.

An alteration to the tender form was agreed, the Clerk to issue the tender forms to be returned by Jan 5th 2019.


There being no further business the meeting closed at approx. 9.30pm


The next meeting will be on January 9th 2019 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall Community Lounge (Please note the 2nd Wednesday of the month)