Lots of handy phone numbers for various services listed below:

Fourfields School Sutterton 01205 460 547
Boston Borough Council 01205 314 200
Boston Borough Council out of hours emergencies 01205 360 300
Boston Borough Council Refuse Department 01205 311 112
Lincolnshire County Council Boston Office 01205 310 010
County Hall 01522 552 222
Boston Police Station 01205 366 222
Kirton Police Station 01205 722 002
Constable Martin Appleby 07500 920 446
PCSO Neil Williams neil.williams@lincs.pnn.police.uk 07939 886 327
Community Liason Officer 01205 312 375
Police Non-Emergency 101
Boston Pilgrim Hospital 01205 364 801
A&E Reception 01205 445 379
The Bostonian 01205 360 606
Sutterton Surgery 01205 460 254
Medical Non-Emergency 111
Boston Library 01205 310 010
Boston Mobile Library 01522 782 010
Boston Citizens Advice Bureau 08444 111 444
Train Times National Rail 08712 004 950
East Midlands Rail 08457 145 145
Anglian Water Emergencies 08457 145 145
Brylaine Travel 01205 364 087
National Express 08717 818 178
Stagecoach in Lincolnshire 08456 050 605