


Present:                                                   Cllr. Fitchett                                       Chairman

                                                                Cllr. Thorpe                                        Vice -Chair

                                                                Cllr.  Baker                                          Cllr. George

                                                                Cllr. Ingham                                        Cllr. Sands

                                                                Cllr. Watts

                                                                Cllr. Cooper                                        BBC

                                                                3 members of the public

                                                                Wendy Depear                                  Parish Clerk


30/20 Public Forum

The condition of the roadway from Blows Lane towards the allotments was raised.


31/20 Chairman’s Comments

The grass has been cut in the recreational field, the Cemetery will soon be ready for a cut, the flowers in the front of the cemetery look nice, he thanked the lady with the 2 children who were picking up rubbish in Chapel Gate.


32/20 Apologies for Absence and the reasons given

Apologies were received from Cllr’s Greenslade & Senneck.

Apologies were received from Cllr. Brookes.

Apologies were received from the Police.


33/20 Receipt of declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any written requests for dispensation in relation to members disclosable Pecuniary Interests

None were received.


34/20 Notes of the last meeting held on February 5th, 2020 to be approved as the minutes

It was proposed by Cllr. Baker seconded by Cllr. Watts that the minutes be signed.


35/20 Police Matters

PCSO Neil Williams (by email)

Apologies for not attending the meeting but reporting

  1. 12/02/20 Theft of diesel from lorry A17 Sutterton undetected
  2. 15/02/20 Assault Greenacre Close – 1 arrested and under investigation
  3. 19/02/20 Criminal damage, St. Mary’s Church – 2 suspects under investigation

36/20 Viewpoints on questions from members of the public

Cllr’s Sands & Thorpe are to arrange a meeting with Matt Warman (local MP) and Lincs Housing. Partnership (LHP) regarding the lack of knowledge on the ownership of the private roadway from Blows Lane to the allotments.


37/20 Reports from the minutes of the last meeting and report from the Clerk of issues arising since the last meeting


38/20 Lincolnshire County Council Matters and Boston Borough – information from and for County and Borough Councillors

Cllr. Cooper reported that the BBC have set the budget from 2020 -2021 at an increase of 2.1%, Cllr. Cooper was asked about the increase in the cost of the garden waste bin.


39/20 Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

Speed Watch Coordinator (by email)

Lincs. Police & Crime Commissioner - Vacancy for Independent Custody Visitor Vacancy

Action Poster displayed in the Notice Board

Matt Warman MP – Upcoming Surgery dates

Website Training Booking Confirmation – Cllr. Thorpe is booked on the training

Ian Swallow LRSP – reply to Councils letter regarding speeding on the A16 between Surfleet and Sutterton

Boston Borough Council – Electoral Roll update March 2020


40/20 Highway Matters

Dowdyke - the gutter at the kerb is blocked ref 367339.

Bollard on Spalding Road is still down ref 367341.

Stone Lane – large pothole ref 367340.

Dowdyke the large pothole is to be filled.

A large pothole on the A17 between the Roundabout and the Broad Lane junction Broad Lane junction.

The Bollard at Post Office lane corner is still down.

The Clerk to contact Cllr. Senneck asking for any process with the Speed Indicator devise .


Community Speed Watch

06/02/20 - Spalding Road - 152 vehicles checked, 14 speeding with a top speed of 40mph in a 30mph.


41/20 Planning

B/20/0055 Application for a lawful development certificate for proposed single storey side extension at White Cottage, Spalding Road, Sutterton, PE20 2ET

Sutterton Parish Council discussed the above application and has no objections.


42/20 Accounts for Payment as per payment sheet 11 of 12 dated February 2020

It was proposed by Cllr. Baker seconded by Cllr. Ingham that the payments be made.




43/20 Parish Matters

Cllr. Watts on the Inspection Rota reported the Cemetery OK and that the water butt needed filling up.

The matting in the recreational field needs attention.

Action the Clerk to chase up the Inspection

Cllr. Cooper left the meeting at approx. 9.20pm

The Bus Shelter Artwork

After discussion it was agreed that the Council would try and find artists who would be interested in taking on the work.

The artwork to be judged at the April Meeting.

Park Bench

The Clerk has heard nothing from Mark Plummer at Lincs Housing Partnership

VE Celebrations

Cllr. Watts attended a meeting with Janice Despicht regarding the celebrations.

The Parish Council are to fund the event and have donated £250.00, the food is to be from the 1940’s

Matters for Inclusion in the April Agenda

VE Celebrations will remain on the agenda until after the celebrations.


There being no further business the meeting closed at approx. 9.40pm.


The next meeting will be on April 1st, 2020 at 7.00pm in the Community Lounge.