


Present:                                   Cllr. Thorpe                             Acting Chairman

                                                Cllr. George    

                                                Cllr. Ingham

                                                Cllr. Sands

                                                Cllr. Watts

                                                Wendy Depear                        Parish Clerk


44/20 Apologies for absence and the reasons given

Apologies were received from Cllr. Fitchett, Cllr. Baker, Cllr.Sennett & Cllr. Brookes (LCC), Cllr. Cooper (BBC) and their reasons accepted.


45/20 Receipt of declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensation in relation to members disclosable pecuniary interests

None were received.


46/20 Notes of the last meeting held on March 4th to be approved as the minutes

It was proposed by Cllr. George seconded by Cllr. Ingham that the minutes be signed with a rewording.  Cllr’s Thorpe and Sands agreed to look into the ownership of the roadway.


47/20 Police Matters

From March 4th 2020 - 2 items have been reported to the Police

  • A workman’s van parked on the Cross Keys Corner
  • Reports from Blows Lane that an un-roadworthy vehicle is being raised up and down Blows Lane


48/20 Viewpoints on questions asked by members of the public

There were no members of the public present.


49/20 Reports from the Minutes of the previous meeting and report from the Clerk of issues arising since the last meeting

It was reported that horses were being ridden through the village on the footpath, this is illegal, a letter was written and the matter has been resolved.

Cllr’s were confused regarding the Planning Appeal, not realising the information was FIO (for information only).


50/20 Lincolnshire County Council Matters and Boston Borough  - information from and for County and Borough Councillors


51/20 Correspondence received

BBC Register of Electors update April 2020

BBC Register of Electors update May 2020

BBC Register of Electors update June 2020

BBC Register of Electors update July 2020

R A Greenslade – resignation from Sutterton Parish Council with immediate effect 20/03/20

Action the Clerk informed Lorraine Bush at BBC and forwarded the letter

LCC – Temporary traffic Restriction Marsh Road from 05/05/20 to 07/05/20

LCC – A17/B1397 Junction – proposed 50mph speed limit order


52/20  Highway Matters

Cllr. George reported

The footpath on Boston Road has been repaired and pot-hole filled.

The Bollard at the top of the One Way Street has been repaired.

The Sign for Kit Kat Lane – there has never been a sign.

Street sign on Green Lane ref. 373394

Phallic symbol ref. 373397

Diversion signs ref. 373396

53/20 Community Speed Watch

The Clerk to contact The Speed Watch co-ordinator to make her aware that the Parish Council have started to meet again.

54/20 The Annual Governance was completed

Signed by the Chairman of the meeting held 08/07/20 Cllr. Thorpe.

55/20 Payments 12/12, 1/12, 2/12, 3/12

Payments 12/12






Payments 1/12





Payments 2/12






Payments 3/12





56/20 The Accounting statements were signed by Cllr. Thorpe Chairman of the meeting held on July 8th 2020 and the Clerk/RFO.


57/20 Inspection Rota for Cemetery and play equipment

Cllr. Senneck on the Inspection Rota for June has sent his apologies to the meeting.

Cllr. Fitchett is on the Rota for July and until the 15th August.

Action The Clerk to contact Cllr. Fitchett who is unwell to ask if he wants a substitute for his spell on the rota


To adopt an Anti Bullying Policy

The Clerk had found guidance but been unable to unable to find a Parish Council Anti Bullying Policy, following the meeting Cllr. Thorpe volunteered to find a Policy which the Clerk will then personalise for Sutterton Parish Council.


Virtual Meetings

The Clerk to contact LALC regarding Virtual Meetings to see if it is possible for the full Council to attend training at the same time.

Action The Clerk to contact LALC


Matters for Report

Cllr. Ingham reported that she had been asked by Mr. Despicht to inform the Council that he was retiring as Editor of the Round N About.  The matter was discussed with no person springing to mind who might be willing to take on the Round N About.

Action the Clerk to place a notice in the Board, and to arrange for the Notice to be displayed on the Council’s facebook page and on the website


Cllr. Watts left the meeting @ 8.10pm


Casual Vacancy The Clerk had forwarded the Resignation from Cllr. Greenslade to Lorraine Bush at the Borough at the end of March, and received the poster earlier this week, which is displayed in the notice board until 28th July.

Cllr. Sands asked the Clerk write to Mr. & Mrs. Blackman and give the Council’s thanks for their work with emergency planning during the pandemic.

Cllr. Thorpe reported that the pay back team would not be able to help with work in the cemetery because of the current problems with the facilities presently.


Councillor’s Concerns

Concerns have been raised regarding the Clerk’s communication, the Clerk listened to their concerns, but reminded members that communication is a 2 way thing.  And that she is trying to arrange training for all Councillors and will consider adapting the minutes.


Matters for inclusion in the August Agenda

The Clerk to confirm if an August meeting will be held.

The anti bullying policy, the bike rack, the personnel committee.


There being no further business the meeting closed at approx. 8.50pm.  The next meeting date to be confirmed later.