


Present:                       Cllr. Sands                                           Vice-Chair

                                    Cllr. Allen

                                    Cllr. George

                                    Cllr. Ingham

                                    Cllr. Senneck

                                    Cllr. Thorpe

                                    Cllr. Watts

                                    Cllr. Brookes                                        LCC

                                    Cllr. Cooper                                         BBC


132/20 Chairman’s Comments

In the absence of the Chairman Cllr. Sands the Vice- Chair opened the meeting by wishing all present a happy New Year.


133/20 Apologies for Absence and the reasons given

Apologies were received from Cllr. Fitchett and the Police.


134/20 Receipt of declarations of Interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members disclosable pecuniary interests.

None were received.


138/20 Notes of the last meeting held on December 9th to be approved as the minutes

It was proposed by Cllr. George seconded by Cllr. Sands that the minutes be signed.


139/20 Police Matters

There were no matters for the Police.


140/20 Viewpoints on questions from members of the public the public

There were no questions from members of the public.


141/20 Reports from the minutes of the previous meeting and report from the Clerk of issues arising since the last meeting

Mr. George who is volunteering with the Speed Indicator Device has signed the volunteer agreement.


142/20 Lincolnshire County Council Matters and Boston Borough – information from and for County and Borough Councillors

Cllr. Brookes has asked for the Envirotyre application to be called in, he also reported that he had followed up about the railings and that it was on the maintenance group agenda

Cllr. Cooper reported that the matter with V-ATE Restaurant has been resolved.


143/20 Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

ICO - Data Controller states that it is a public authority under the Freedom of Information

BBC – Electoral Roll update January 2021

Cllr. Senneck via email forwarding an inquiry regarding Business Rates for V-ATE Restaurant

Action The Clerk forwarded the email to Cllr’s Cooper & Brookes

BSPlace South regarding grass cutting 2021

Action It was agreed that Sutterton Parish would continue with the grass cutting, the Clerk to complete required paper work

Fosdyke Parish Council – request to use the Zoom Licence

Action it was proposed by Cllr. Ingham seconded by Cllr. Senneck that Fosdyke use the Licence


144/20 Highway Matters

Cllr. George reported that the mud on the road has been cleared

The order has been placed for repair/replacement of the railings on Wigtoft Road

The pot hole in Dowdyke has not been repaired

Action Cllr. George to forward the paperwork to Cllr. Brookes

The damage to the Roundabout in the centre of the village, it is up to Sutterton Parish Council to sort out the repairs.

Action Quotes are to be arranged to repair the roundabout


145/20 Speed Watch Data

Cllr. George was not able to download the data


Community Speed Watch

No reports have been received



B/20/ 0499 Two Storey Rear extension, Single Storey side and rear extensions and alteration (with previous extensions to be demolished) at Mayfield House, Station Road, Sutterton, PE20 2JX

The application was discussed and no objections were raised


B/20/0507 Single storey side extension and demolition of existing conservatory at 33, Monarchs Road, Sutterton PE20 2HJ

The application was discussed and no objections were raised.

BBC an appeal has been logged regarding the enforcement notice served by BBC on September 15th 2020.


145/20 Accounts for payment as per payment sheet 9 of 12 dated December 2020

It was proposed by Cllr. George seconded by Cllr. Watts that the payments be made.

146/20 Sutterton Parish Council Precept

After discussion it was proposed by Cllr. Ingham seconded by Cllr. Allen that the Precept be increased by 5%.

Action The Clerk to complete the paper work


147/20 Parish Matters

Inspection Rota

Cllr. Ingham on the Inspection Rota reported mole hills again in the Recreational Field.

Action Clerk to contact the Mole man

Cllr. Ingham also reported that the donated Cherry tree has been vandalised.

Action Cllr. Watts to put a posting on the Community page

Cllr. George is on the inspection Rota for January.


148/20 Matters for Report

Cllr. Senneck asked about repairs to the Rocking Horse.

Action Clerk to contact Mr. Glenn

Cllr. Sands asked that Training for Cllr’s Senneck, Watts & Allen be arranged.

The Clerk to contact Mr. Hall at the Borough asking why he has not replied to the query regarding the railings near the Recreational Field.


Matters for inclusion in the February Agenda

Replacing the original planters

Grass Cutting for 2021


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.15pm


The next meeting will be on February 3rd 2021