


Present:           Cllr. Fitchett                                        Chairman

                        Cllr. Sands

                        Cllr. Allen

                        Cllr. George

                        Cllr. Ingham

                        Cllr. Thorpe

                        Cllr. Brookes                                        LCC

                        Cllr. Cooper                                         BBC

                        Wendy Depear                                    Parish Clerk


149/20 Chairmans Comments

Cllr. Fitchett welcomed all to his first meeting of 2021, hoping that things return to normal in 2021.


150/20 Apologies for absence and the reason given

Apologies were received from Cllr. Senneck and Cllr. Watts.

Apologies were also received from the police.


151/20 Receipt of declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members disclosable pecuniary interests

None were received.


152/20 Notes of the last meeting held on January 6th, 2021 to be approved as the minutes

It was proposed by Cllr. Fitchett seconded by Cllr. George that the minutes be signed.


153/20 Police matters


154/20 Viewpoints on questions from the public

There were no questions from the public.


155/20 Reports from the previous meeting and report from the Clerk of issues arising since the last meeting

The decision on the Eurotyre application to remove some of the restriction’s is expected on February 15th 2021.


156/20 Lincolnshire County Council Matters and Boston Borough - information from and for County and Borough Councillors

Cllr. Brookes reported that LCC propose to increase the Lincs County Council part of the Council tax by 1.99% although the government were allowing an increase of 5%.

Cllr. Brookes also reported on LCC’s plans to increase its share of the precept by 1.9%.  It is proposed to use some of the Council’s reserves to provide an extra £12 million to help support local businesses.

There is also an extra £200,000 for flood response and an additional £10 million for roads.

The £12 million support package is for our local economy that has been ravaged by the pandemic.  Local businesses could benefit from up to £10,000 of funding through a new grant scheme being planned by the county council.  The support is particularly aimed at those that have not benefited from the government’s COVID support schemes and smaller businesses with 50 or less employees.

Cllr. Cooper reported all quiet at the Borough.


153/20 Correspondence received

Nigel Hall BBC - via email - apologising for not responding to the email from the Clerk sent 05/06/2020.  Mr. Hall thinks this may be the responsibility of LCC.

D. Jacks regarding the vast amounts of litter at the service area off the Sutterton Roundabout (Burger King/Greggs/Subway).

Action following information received the Clerk replied via email the area has been sold, but the new owners are not known.

BBC – Register of Electors update February 2021.


154/20 Highway Matters

Cllr. Baker via telephone reported potholes on the A17.

Cllr. George reported they had been reported previously

Cllr. George reported a pothole at the Waterbelly Lane/Station Road, junction.

Cllr. George has also reported the pot hole to Royal Mail as it has been caused by vans collecting the mail.  The Potholes near the Mercedes garage are not deep enough for Highways to worry about at the moment.


155/20 Speed Detection Data

Cllr. George spoke about Speed Detection - at the moment she is charging the Device and moving it around the village every time it is re- charged.  It was agreed that when lock down is relaxed the data will be downloaded.


156/20 Planning

No planning applications were received.


157/20 Accounts for payment as per payment sheet 10 of 12 dated January 2021

It was proposed by Cllr. Fitchett seconded by Cllr. George that the payments be made.

Cllr. Sands suggested that during lock down one of the signatories should sign extra cheques, this will help the Clerk as she will only have one signature to obtain.  This was proposed by Cllr. Fitchett and seconded by Cllr. Thorpe that this was adopted.


158/20 Inspection Rota for the Cemetery and Play Equipment

Cllr. George on the Rota reported reported standing water on the Recreation Field.

Action the Clerk has contacted Welland & Deepings IDB to investigate the gully under Wigtoft Road.

Cllr. George asked if it was possible for 2 slabs be put under the Ark Bench in the Cemetery.

Cllr. Allen replied that she had 2 slabs that could be used.

Cllr. Sands is on the Rota for February; she is to contact Cllr. George to pick up the book.


159/20 Grass Cutting 2021

2 tenders were received after discussion it was proposed by Cllr. Thorpe seconded by Cllr. Fitchett that the contract be awarded to AM Appleby.


Matters for Report

Cllr. Thorpe asked if it would be possible for the Flag be flown at half-mast to celebrate the life of Captain Tom Moore who had died within the last few days.


Matters for the March Agenda

There were no requests for inclusion, The Clerk reminded Councillors that matters could be received up to February 27th.


There being no further business the meeting closed at approx. 7.45pm.

The next meeting will be on March 3rd, 2021 at 7.00pm via Zoom.