



Present:                       Cllr. Fitchett                Chairman

                                    Cllr. Sands                   Vice – Chair

                                    Cllr. George                 Cllr. Ingham

                                    Cllr. Thorpe    

                                    Cllr. Brookes                LCC

                                    Wendy Depear            Parish Clerk

44/21 Public Forum

There were no members of the public present.


45/21 Chairman’s Comments

Cllr. Fitchett reported that he is to maintain the planters at the top of Endeavour Park.


46/21 Apologies for absence and the reasons given

Apologies were received from Cllr. Allen, she is unwell.

Apologies were received from Cllr. Cooper ((BBC).

Apologies were also received from the Police.


47/210 Receipt of declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism act 2011 and to consider any written requests for dispensation in relation to members disclosable pecuniary interests

None were received.


48/21 Notes of the last meeting held on May 19th be agreed as the minutes

It was proposed by Cllr. Fitchett, Seconded by Cllr George with 2 amendment’s being made


34/21 should read :-

Cllr. Brookes reported that the signage on the new road surface on Station Road had not all been replaced.  These were originally part of a joint scheme between Highways and Sutterton Parish Council.  The Highways Manager has said that she will arrange for all signage to be replaced if that is the Parish Council wish.  A discussion took place regarding the signs, it was agreed to replace all signs with the exception of the 40mph sign.


49/21 Police Matters

No matters were received.


50/21 Viewpoints on questions from the public

None were received.


51/21 Reports from the minutes of the previous meeting and report from the Clerk of issues arising since the last meeting

It was proposed by Cllr. Fitchett that as Cllr. Baker has stopped attending Meetings of The Playing Field Committee it would be a good idea to ask Cllr. Allen if she would be prepared to represent the Parish Council.

Mr. Appleby has removed fallen branches from the tree at the entrance to Endeavour Park

BBC – Register of Electors - Notice of Alteration June 21

Zurich Insurance renewal documents


54/21 Highway Matters

Cllr. George reported:-

The drain blocked near the Bus Shelter - the work has been scheduled.

Resurfacing at the top of Waterbelly Lane to Dowdyke Hall is scheduled.

Broad Lane & Stone Lane does not require urgent attention, at this time.

The verge on Blows Lane is scheduled.

Rosegar Avenue pavement has been repaired.

The tree at the entrance to Endeavour Park has another branch that needs removing.


55/21 Speed Detection Data

The Device is on Boston Road and is still working.


Community Speed Watch

The Clerk has emailed Ms. Redhead but hasn’t received a reply.



No plans have been received this month.

56/21 Accounts for payment as per payment sheet 2 of 12 dated May 2021

It was proposed by Cllr. Ingham seconded by Cllr. George that the payments be made.


£45.00 – additional inscription for cemetery


57/21 The Annual Governance & Statement of Accounts

The Clerk issued the Statement of Accounts to all Cllr’s present, it was proposed by Cllr. George seconded by Cllr. Ingham that the Accounts are accepted.


58/21 The Annual Governance.

It was proposed by Cllr. Ingham seconded by Cllr. George that the annual Governance be agreed.


59/21 Inspection Rota for Cemetery

Cllr. Fitchett and Mr. George have filled in one of the sunken graves.

Reports have been received of rubbish in the Playing Field, Councillors confirmed this is Crows removing the rubbish from the bins.  It was suggested that the Clerk contact Becky Shin at the Borough to see if the bins could be emptied more often.


60/21 Matters for Report

Cllr. Thorpe has received complaints about a crop scarer.

ACTION - report to Environment Dept at BBC


61/21 Village Planters

Cllr. Fitchett has visited the Rainbow Garden Centre to discuss the planters being planted by Jack & Nikita but thereafter, to be looked after by Cllr’s and volunteer assistant.


Cllr. Brookes left the meeting at 8.15pm


62/21 Matters for Inclusion in the July Agenda

None were received.


63/21 To Agree changes to the Standing Orders and review the code of conduct

The Clerk advised that Standing Order 25b states -

A motion to add to or vary or revoke one or more of the council’s standing orders, except one that incorporates mandatory statutory requirements, shall be proposed by a special motion, the written notice by at least councillors to be given to the Proper Officer in accordance with standing order 9.

ACTION - A motion is to be served


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.25pm

The next meeting will be on July 7th 2021 at 7.00pm in the Committee Room